The older version (Called bondage board) was really a hasty work. It does get the job done, but the design is poor and it may also be very dangerous if there is a short circuit, since high power cables are connected close to the metal that restrains the user.
This new version was really inspired by the old medieval stocks made out of wood. My new stock is not completed as of yet, but I'm still posting these pictures on request
This stock is made out of wood (mostly) and it's very flexible since it can be attached to my hand, feet's, and head. Well, maybe not all at the same time ;-) but it does have potential
As you can see the stock opens in the middle and has a hinge in one end. In the other end I will place the Electromagnet. When the power is on there's no way I can open it!
I have used the design below to make the stock more sturdy. This way it cannot twist sideways.
I'm also planning to drill smaller wholes for ropes to go and maybe even make some kind of attachments for metal pipes that would secure the stock to a bed frame or similar.
From Wikipedia:
* The stocks are a device used since medieval times for public humiliation, corporal punishment, and torture. The stocks are similar to the pillory and the pranger, as each consists of large, hinged, wooden boards; the difference, however, is that when a person is placed in the stocks, their feet are locked in place, and sometimes as well their hands or head, or these may be chained.