7 sexual positions perfect for guys with a really small penis
Sex can be nice regardless of size. So do not despair if your pathetic penis is shorter than your thumb, try these and perhaps you can bring your woman some pleasure.
1. The rabbit
Are you the type of guy who loves the concept of “fuck like rabbits,”? It’s probably just a bad excuse for almost nonexistent hose between the legs, so "fuck like rabbits” in this case is just a reference to a penis the same size as a rabbit!

2. The Juicer
Another popular position is this one, that actually gets its name from the non-existent penises of boys at the local juice place. This sex is just like the promise of a healthy and nice tasting smoothie, it sounds better in theory than it actually is.

3. Close your eyes-and-think-of-anything-else
The key here is that to focus. Not on the penis, for it is so small so it doesn’t matter. Instead tell your woman to think of someone handsome, a beautiful well endowed person she would like to be with instead of you.

4. Fetal position
This is the position which is perfect when you are already in a fetal position because of anxiety over the mans tiny little penis. Then you can take the opportunity to have sex at the same time, because tiny penises has a better reach from this angle.

5. The Smurf
When your penis has the same color and size like Papa Smurfs penis, your girl can try this position to get it in. Not that she will feel anything, but you will probably come in seconds and after your release it’s a chance your balls will regain it’s normal color.

6. Self confident
Here is the classic position for all the guys that don’t realize how pathetic their micro penis are. With great confidence you imagine yourself as a big and strong guy and, therefore has a firm hold of her legs while fucking her brutally. It’l work great for about one minute of fucking, thats when she shouts to you. ”put it in already!”

7. No shame
There’s a kind of guy who does not care about the size. Who proudly believe in love and believes that with the right chemistry it can work just fine. So he gives his best and fucks as fast as he can. He is satisfied and happy anyway. But look for yourself, does she look as happy as he is?
He does not care at all about size. But my guess is the she does!.

The best thing a small sized man can do is to realize the truth, and if he wants to keep his women he’d better do some reading op an a concept called CUCKOLDING!

But Hey, we were just kidding of course
Size does not matter :) or?